Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I have moved to http://speedcuber.wordpress.com/


You Are 64% Cynical

You're a full blown cynic... and probably even skeptical of these results.
You have your optimistic moments, but most likely you keep them to yourself.
How Cynical Are You?

Monday, June 05, 2006

...and another day passes

...quite uneventfully, I may add. Apart from tuition, where I found out that my Chinese paper II was quite...heh, heh, nevermind. I also managed to find a book in Woodlands library I've been awaiting for some time, only to find that I couldn't borrow it. (I assume the reason was because it was reserved, same thing happened once before, also at Woodlands. They should really be more careful with their reserved books, or accidents might happen.../evillaugh). In any case, I was unable to check it out until I realised that the sensor system at the entrance was giving them problems (i.e. randomly beeping on and off with that esoteric tone every few minutes)...and well, you can guess the rest ;)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Dealing with Depression

Lethargy and laziness can be very dangrous, if not handled correctly.

I desperately need something to awaken me from this drunken stupor I am in, something to snap me out of this lifeless trance which has engulfed the past 5 days of my holiday. In any case, something is definitely not right.

Perhaps it is true. Perhaps, I have indeed left a part of myself in the US, a part of myself which I may be destined never to reclaim. Understandably, I feel myself wanting to relive those glorious two months during the year-end break of 2004, where everything seemed so surreal, so perfect. What I cannot come to grips with is, why do I at the same time want to relive those months when my family and I were separated, when my life was a shambolic mess in terms of schoolwork, a time where I just existed without anything to push me forward, to spur me onward. This is something which I cannot explain, something which my finite mind cannot fathom. Perhaps it is Stockholm syndrome, a somewhat warped version of it.

Something must be done, to keep the usage of my time wise. I don't ask for much, just that every waking moment be spent fruitfully, that I may be able to give a good account of myself on the day of reckoning. I must be off to work now then, for the night cometh. Amen and amen.

Friday, June 02, 2006

a cube and a box of pencils

This is my tribute to Ding. I am not going to try to express everything in words, because any attempt to do so would result in failure...anyways, let us proceed...

I don't know how you did it. How you managed to cope with everything so well. How did you ever manage to finish all your work with commitments in choir, BB, and to top it all off, those really early bedtimes? Above all that, how did you still find time to play soccer every recess, and finish everything despite staying as far away from school as you did, and having to spend the extra time commuting each day (like me, unfortunatley, but I have never come anywhere close)? And how on earth did you manage to get work done on your table, which was forever cluttered with mountains of rough paper? How did you manage to consistently evade the system by eating in class almost every day?

I hope you get the point. Ding was an amazing person, someone who managed to thrive in class despite the odds that were so heavily stacked against him (I am willing to bet large sums of money that most of you probably never considered this seriously...), someone who was always reliable, patient and kind. His presence will be sorely missed during his temporary absence.

Take care Ding.

P.S. I hope you like the cube. And the box of pencils.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

New best.

Average: 24.40 seconds
Individual Times: 20.76, (31.33), 26.55, 20.74, 24.75, 20.34, 25.08, 20.97, 28.02, 26.94, 29.81, (20.22)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

June, 2006

I have a bunch of goals for this year's June holidays. Some ambitious, some not so ambitious.

First, the boring stuff:

1. Finish homework
Right now this includes the lang arts thing (and hopefully I can get it done before the holidays. Hopefully.) and a chess writeup I have to do for the school magazine. There's also the small matter of some chinese essays, but I have no idea what that was about so that's not very high on my priority list atm.

2. Study
This goes on the list every year, but anything rarely gets done. Hopefully I can get some in this year (I said SOME, I don't intend to mug by brains out). I need to brush up on some stuff, but abit blur on how to go about doing it :-S. Nevermind...we'll see how this one plays out ;)

Then we have the not-so-boring stuff:

1. Learn OLL
I will probably have to compile a master list of various algs, but I think I already have the majority of what I need. Hopefully I can hit sub-25 by the end of the hols. Hopefully.

2. Read comics
No. I'm not joking.

3. I will probably have to get my hands out some other game that can keep me occupied for the rest of the little free time I have during the hols. Note that SK does NOT count.

Anyways, this 1 month will make or break things...somehow I doubt I'll have enough time next year to enjoy whatever I want to do during the hols...so I gotta maximise the time spent this year...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


First, a smashing of my personal best...

The Scramble: U L2 F2 U' D F R F' D R D' R2 L B2 F2 U L2 B' R2 F2 R' B' D' L F2

The Solve:
XCross: y2 D F' D' R' D' R' D'
BR slot: y R' U R U2 R' U R
FR slot: R U R' U R U' R'
BL slot: U L U L'
OLL skip
PLL: U'y' + T-permutation

The Timing: At 19.03, this is my first ever sub-20 solve...average still ~35 though

Retrys: 16.xx, 17.xx, 14.xx, 14.xx, etc etc

Was just thinking about the number of cubers in our class, which has incresed of late...in order of when they could solve it fully without help (to the best of my memory)

First off, myself...

Phil (~mid-nov 05)


and Sloke

...who learned it in roughly that order around the same time. I know I taught bong bF2L on the bus to kluang, which he taught Kenny there. I'm not too sure about the other 2 but I think they could more or less do it by the end of Feb...and then we have


...who already knew bF2L previously, didn't take him too long to learn LL (thereby proving my theory that it's pointless to try learning LL without mastery of bF2L, but that's another issue altogether). After that we have


...who only picked it up quite recently, after 1 week of bF2L practice...followed by

Justin and Joash

...not too confident but getting there...

Others who know beginner F2L:

Who's going to be next?

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