Tuesday, April 25, 2006


First, a smashing of my personal best...

The Scramble: U L2 F2 U' D F R F' D R D' R2 L B2 F2 U L2 B' R2 F2 R' B' D' L F2

The Solve:
XCross: y2 D F' D' R' D' R' D'
BR slot: y R' U R U2 R' U R
FR slot: R U R' U R U' R'
BL slot: U L U L'
OLL skip
PLL: U'y' + T-permutation

The Timing: At 19.03, this is my first ever sub-20 solve...average still ~35 though

Retrys: 16.xx, 17.xx, 14.xx, 14.xx, etc etc

Was just thinking about the number of cubers in our class, which has incresed of late...in order of when they could solve it fully without help (to the best of my memory)

First off, myself...

Phil (~mid-nov 05)


and Sloke

...who learned it in roughly that order around the same time. I know I taught bong bF2L on the bus to kluang, which he taught Kenny there. I'm not too sure about the other 2 but I think they could more or less do it by the end of Feb...and then we have


...who already knew bF2L previously, didn't take him too long to learn LL (thereby proving my theory that it's pointless to try learning LL without mastery of bF2L, but that's another issue altogether). After that we have


...who only picked it up quite recently, after 1 week of bF2L practice...followed by

Justin and Joash

...not too confident but getting there...

Others who know beginner F2L:

Who's going to be next?

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